
Cerita Film Fitna karya Geert Wilders

Film Fitna buatan Geert Wilders dari ceritanya ada beberapa kesimpulan yang bisa diambil dari film ini.

Antara Ketidak Pahaman, Bias, Rasisme dan mencari Popularitas

Cukup mudah membaca arah pemikiran Geert Wilders melalui film produksinya. Tujuanya tidak jauh dari tiga hal yaitu ,Ketidak pahaman, Rasisme dan Popularitas sang produser tentang tindakan dan pemahaman keadaan di lapangan. Cukup membahas dengan kepala dingin dari tiga poin di atas tersebut, kita langsung memahami rendahnya kualitas film tersebut.

1. Ketidak Pahaman :
Pelajaran pertama yang harus difahami dalam membuat film Dokumenter adalah memahami topik yang akan didokumentasikan. Padahal (entah mungkin pura2 tidak paham) Geert Wilders menyamakan antara Islam dengan Budaya Timur Tengah maupun Arab. Ingat Arab memang mayoritas beragama Islam, tetapi Islam BUKAN Arab.

2. Bias dan Rasisme :
Apa yang dibuat oleh Geert Wilders pada film ini sangat janggal, disamping terlalu “bias” lihat saat ia “menyunting ayat Quran” dan mengartikanya sedemikian rupa agar sesuai dengan keinginannya. Rasisme juga sangat kental. Mungkin karena film ini didasari atau ditujukan pada etnis Timur Tengah, maka hampir semua klip adalah gambar kekerasan yang dilakukan warga Arab - TimTeng, bukan yang lain semisal FPI misalnya

3. Popularitas :
Gaya film tersebut meniru habis film karya Michael Moore yang dirilis tahun 2004 lalu, Fahrenheit 911. Namun bedanya film ini tidak didukung fakta baru maupun argumentasi yang kuat. Film tersebut hanya menayangkan aksi terorisme, potongan ayat Al Quran yang di artikan secara acak agar mendapat hasil yang diinginkan oleh sang produser. Kalaupun ada gambar lain adalah cacimaki yang dilontarkan ulama Wahabi,…ya Wahabi karena semuanya merupakan ulama radikal Wahabi dari Saudi Arabia.

Dengan Kepala Dingin Kesimpulan Langsung Bisa Diambil

Tidak perlu emosi, Tidak perlu memusuhi warga negara Belanda, toh sama seperti di belahan bumi manapun, yang namanya politikus selalu ingin mencari popularitas agar pemilu berikut partainya mendapat banyak dukungan. Sayangnya tindakan Geert Wilders ini justru akan menjadi bumerang - teringat dengan Pauline Hanson dari Australia yang mengupayakan kebijakan anti Imigran Asia, akhirnya politikus wanita yang kesepian tersebut berujung di penjara federal Australia Yang saya kuatirkan justru terjadi perpecahan antara umat manusia hanya dikarenakan egoisme dan kebodohan seorang Gert Wilders.

Jangan Terprovokasi, Karena Justru Inilah Keinginan Geert Wilders. Karena tujuan film Fitna tersebut secara ekspilist merupakan upaya pancingan provokasi, dan bila terjadi tindakan anarkhis yang dilakukan baik oleh warga Arab ataupun umat Islam, terhadap siapapun juga, apapun agama dan kebangsaanya justru hal tersebut merupakan justifikasi yang diinginkan oleh Gert Wilders. Jangan terprovokasi karena film ini adalah umpan !
Film Dokumenter Low Budget dengan Kualitas Rendah : Film ini 180 derajat berbeda dengan film Fahrenheit 911 buatan Michael Moore, yang begitu didukung fakta, realitas serta rekaman video yang sangat menarik. Kontras film ini hanya memuat klip2 tindakan terorisme yang sudah sering ditayangkan serta cacimaki dan sumpah serapah ulama Wahabi dari acara dokumenter “Dispatches BBC” sebuah acara realitas top rated yang mengupas fakta dibalik perusakan image Islam oleh ulama Wahabi. Serta potongan headline pada koran. Tidak lebih dari itu.
Geert Wilders bisa dituntut sebagai penjahat Politik Internasional : Tindakan Geert Wilders tersebut bisa saja membuat dirinya dijadikan sebagai pelaku tindak kejahatan politik internasional. Sikap rasial, melakukan provokasi yang dapat menyebarkan kebencian terhadap ras tertentu yang dapat berujung jatuhnya korban serta tindakan pelanggaran HAM berat yaitu mendiskreditkan kelompok tertentu melalui media massa merupakan rentetan fakta yang dapat menjadikan Geert Wilders sebagai seorang penjahat politik. Tidak perlu menyalahkan sana sini, menyerang sana sini, cukup kumpulkan bukti maka Gert Wilders dapat dituntut melalui jalur hukum yang semestinya dan mendapat ganjaran yang setimpal tanpa perlu merugikan pihak yang tidak bersalah.

Who is Geert Wilders?

Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders ; born 6 September 1963) is a Dutch politician. He has been a member of the Tweede Kamer (Dutch House of Representatives) since 1998, first for the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy and from 2006 for the Party for Freedom, a party which he founded and of which he is the political leader.


Wilders was born in Venlo, Netherlands in the province of Limburg, where he was raised a Roman Catholic. He received his secondary education at the Mavo and Havo of the "R.K. St. Thomas College" in Venlo. He followed a health insurance course at the "Stichting Opleiding Sociale Verzekeringen" in Amsterdam and gained several Law certificates at the Dutch Open University. His father was a manager for the printing and copying manufacturing company Océ.

After working in the health insurance industry, Wilders became a parliamentary assistant to Frits Bolkestein in 1990, in that time keeping up a heavy travel schedule, including a visit to Tehran, Iran.

Wilders' wife is Hungarian.

In 1997, Wilders was elected for the VVD to the municipal council of Utrecht, the fourth largest city of the Netherlands. A year later, he was elected to the national parliament.

Political Career

In September 2004, Wilders left the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD in Dutch), having been a member since 1989, to form his own political party, Groep Wilders, later renamed Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV or Party for Freedom). He left the liberal party, over a dispute within the VVD in late August 2004 about, among other things, his refusal to endorse the party's position that EU-accession negotiations must be started with Turkey. Geert Wilders has been in the Tweede Kamer since 1998.
His party program states that Wilders' party is not committed to "freedom of the individual"; Wilders believes that the Netherlands has been held hostage by elitist (mostly social democrat and left-wing liberal) politicians for decades. He claims to want to become "the new leader of the people", and in this respect he has been labeled a populist by the establishment.

His political views (and so the ones of the PVV as well) often overlap those of the murdered Rotterdam politician Pim Fortuyn and his List Pim Fortuyn. There are strong resemblances, certainly on socio-economic issues, to libertarianism. Wilders wants to lower taxes, cut most welfare programs, raise highway speed limits and minimize state regulations by making it mandatory to scrap two legal rules for every new one to be instated. He also wants to reintroduce the mandatory army service. On the crime issue, he has supported a U.S.-style three strikes law with mandatory life sentences after three separate acts of violent crime.

In polls released following the assassination of Theo van Gogh, it was estimated that Wilders' party could win as many as 29 (out of 150) seats in the Dutch parliament (Tweede Kamer). With the uproar over the killing of Van Gogh subsiding, this number declined to a low of one in October 2005. In February 2006, after the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, it rose again to three seats.

A few weeks after the assassination, Geert Wilders stayed away from regular meetings in parliament for several weeks. Even though a member's presence is not mandatory, it is uncommon not to show up for weeks on end. Wilders claims that he did this out of concern for his personal security. Having been assigned a new seating position in the parliamentary meeting hall (one further away from the public observation area), he has once again started to attend meetings.

Wilders is under constant security protection because of frequent threats to his life. On 10 November 2004, two suspected terrorists were captured after an hour-long siege of a building in The Hague. They had three grenades and have been accused of planning to murder Geert Wilders as well as then fellow MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The men in question were presumed members of what the Dutch intelligence agency, the AIVD, has termed the Hofstadgroep. In September 2007, a Dutch woman was sentenced a 1-year prison term for sending out more than 100 threatening emails to Wilders.

In recent interviews, Geert Wilders more than once indicated that the Dutch constitution and European Convention on Human Rights should be amended or temporarily suspended to protect citizens from "Islamic extremism". He is in favor of stripping criminals with dual nationality of their Dutch citizenship and deporting them to their country of origin. This has led to considerable criticism.

In response to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy Wilders posted the inflammatory cartoons on his website (1 February 2006), purportedly in support of the Danish cartoonists and freedom of speech. Following his publication, Wilders stated he had received more than 40 death threats in just two days.

In November 2006, PVV won, in its first parliamentary election, 9 of the 150 open seats.
The Dutch newspaper Telegraaf reported in May 2007 that Geert Wilders had been shadowed by the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service for years, when he was foreign affairs spokesman for the VVD. During that time, Wilders had been regularly meeting officials at the Israeli Embassy in The Hague. Sources in the security service said that the agency was surveilling conversations between Wilders and Israeli personnel. The security services denied the allegations, insisting it had never shadowed or eavesdropped on Wilders.

On 15 December 2007, Wilders was declared politician of the year by NOS-radio, a mainstream Dutch radio station. The parliamentary press praised his ability to dominate political discussion and to attract the debate and to get into publicity with his well-timed one-liners. The editors eventually gave the title to Wilders because he was the only one who scored high both among the press as well as the general public.

In response to Wilders' outspoken statements, a countermovement was organized in December 2007 with the stated aim to "stop evil".

Political Views

Geert Wilders favors the restriction of immigration to the Netherlands, particularly from non-Western countries.

He recently made a movie Fitna which offers his view on Islam and the Qur'an. As self-proclaimed defender of free speech and critic of Islam, he has sought to ban the Qur'an in the Netherlands because he believes it to be in conflict with Dutch law.


Referring to the increased population of Muslims in the Netherlands, Wilders has said:
"Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!"

Later, Wilders suggested that Muslims should “tear out half of the Koran if they wished to stay in the Netherlands” because it contained 'terrible things' and that Muhammad would “in these days be hunted down as a terrorist”. These statements caused strong reactions in Muslim countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia.
On 8 August 2007, Wilders opined in a letter to the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the Koran, which he called a "fascist book", should be outlawed in the Netherlands, like Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. He stated that: "The book incites hatred and killing and therefore has no place in our legal order.

On 15 August 2007, a representative of the Prosecutors' Office in Amsterdam declared that "dozens of reports" against Wilders had been filed, and that they were all being considered. Due to this position on Islam, the Dutch-Morrocan rapper Appa, when interviewed about Wilders for a newspaper, said “if someone were to put a bullet in his head, I wouldn't mind”. Wilders charged him with threatening with death. Appa denied this, saying that he wouldn't care (if it happened), accusing Wilders of harboring the same attitude towards Muslims.

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