
Menghasilkan uang dari Affiliasi Amazone

Bisnis Affiliasi di Amazone, Menghasilkan uang dari Amazone

Mungkin sebagian orang sudah banyak yang tau mengenai situs Amazon.Com. yaitu merupakan salah satu Toko Online terbesar saat ini. Dimana situs tersebut menjual berbagai macam / jenis produk. Kita ambil contoh salah satunya adalah buku2 yang memungkinkan kita dengan mudah untuk membelinya. Kenapa bisa dikatakan mudah? Karena memberikan berbagai fasilitas yang memudahkan kita untuk memilih buku mana yang harus dibeli :

Berikut contoh fasilitas yang ada di situs :

- Review dan informasi rating dari buku yang bersangkutan
- Hanya perlu melakukan satu kali klik di mouse untuk membeli buku
- Search engine untuk memudahkan pencarian buku

Lalu yang menarik lagi dari adalah menawarkan buku dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah bahkan sampai 50% dari harga pasar. Kenapa demikian? Hal ini dikarenakan mereka berdiri sendiri dalam arti mereka tidak perlu lagi menyewa showroom ya… seperti halnya toko-toko buku konvensional.

Nah, sekarang bagaimana kita dapat memperoleh penghasilan di pastinya lewat asosiasinya, yaitu melalui program affiliate marketing-nya yang biasa di sebut PPS (Pay Per Sale). Jadi kita akan dibayar apabila ada yang mengKLIK iklan mereka di website/ situs yang kita pasang, lalu membeli salah satu produknya.
Jadi syarat utama untuk mendaftar jadi affiliate amazone kita harus punya Web/Blog.

Disini tempat untuk daftar Affiliate Amazone :


Artikel lain :

How to Become a Amazon Affiliate an online retails store that sells virtually anything in this planet from kids to old age, all can have their products shipped straight to their doorstep. Amazon as an individual company alone would not sell all the products, there are billions of products out there at amazon.

The company was started in 1994 and has its headquarters at Seattle. Now let’s see how can one become a affiliate of amazon.
Create a Website

Having a website is a must in order to apply for amazon affiliate. Just create a free website with blogger or wordpress and then fill in few blog posts relating to the product you are interested in promoting and then submit to amazon for review, once accepted you will get access to millons of’s products to promote in your website.
Select a related Product

As a affiliate, care should be taken to select the right product to promote. One cannot sell weight loss products in a gaming website. It is too odd for the gamers to really click on the weight loss products, as they would rather be interested in stuff related to x box or play station and so on.
Promotion of Your Website

Simply creating a website and then getting approved by amazon alone will not fetch you millions of dollars in a single day. One has to take the additional step of promoting his website by online ads, search engine optimization, email users or word of mouth. One has to get his site popular and authoritative to really make any sales of the website.

Becoming an amazon affiliate is not the main part but actually promoting your site is the important thing, commonly used ways of promoting a site is by adwords, where one got to really throw in some cash, as long you get your ROI ( return of investment) then you are on the right track.

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